Vedic Horo

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VedicHoro predicts lifelong potential luck based upon planet position at the time of birth and estimates current situation based upon transit of planets. Forecast can be known for any date and time based upon each individuals birth details.

The Luck forecast is based upon Vedic Astrology Concepts.

Life long luck is long-term forecast based upon planetary position at the time of birth.
Current Forecast is based upon current transit of planets.

Overall Status is mid-term forecast.
Maximum rating scale is 8 stars.

Now:Green smiley denotes short-term benefic period is active, irrespective of overall stars benefic or not. Yellow smiley denotes normal period. Red smiley means tough period. Out of 8, minimum 1 green smiley is desirable.


Current Forecast

Significance: Struggle

Matter related to: Work

Stars: 6

Explanation: 6 stars denotes good period  related to work area, where struggle will end and justice will be done for any long pending issue.


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